Shargorod Memorial – 8/2017 – by Josef (Julku) Klein

This memorial was erected at the Shargorod Cemetery. It was the initiative of and funding by the engineer Mr. Rubin (Bubby) Laufman, a native of Kimpolung, in memory of his father Zeev (Wilhelm) Laufman and his grandmother Sarah and his grandfather Joseph, and not less important, to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust from the communities of Kimpolung-Bukovina and the surrounding area, who were deported to Transnistria, to the Shargorod ghetto, during World War II, where they perished from illnesses, cold, hunger and endless marches in Ukranian roads. Some of them were buried on the site as individuals, but most of them were buried in a mass grave in the Shargorod cemetery.

Here is an article (in German) written by Mr. Klein and 3 pictures taken during the dedication ceremony.

Shargorod monument


Dr. M. A. Becker – Urkivcy (Yurkivka) Mass grave and murder site – July 2017


Dr. Becker visited Yurkivka in 7/2017 in search of the murder site of his father Hermann Zwi Hersch Becker and 12 other Jews who fled from the working camp Tulcin (about 24 km from Yurkivka).
One person with the name Mr. Ritter survived the shooting and told this story.
The murder took place on the 11th of July 1943.
Further he searched for the mass-grave monument of the Jews murdered in 1941 and 1942.
He was able to locate both: the monument and the place assumed to be the murder site.

Here is the sign to Yurkivcy (Yurkivka).

In the picture below are Yana (right) – the Mayor of Yurkivka – and Natalia (left) accompanied us finding the places in the forest. (in the middle is Ofer Becker).

The following map depicts where the murder site is:

The following picture show the mass grave monument of the Yurkivka Jews murdered in 1941 and 1942.

The following document (in Romanian) is the proof of the murder on 11 July 1943. It is taken from the book Matatias Carp (1946-1948). „Cartea neagră – Suferințele evreilor din România 1940-1944” (3 volume cu ilustratii .  Page 299).