Solca Jewish Cemetery – by Christian Herrmann

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Many thanks to Christian Herrmann who is researching, traveling, photographing and providing very valuable information about many Jewish Heritage Sites in Bukovina, Transnistria and Bessarabia.

Solca (Solka) is located not far from the city of Radautz. Before and between the World Wars it was an acclaimed health-resort. People who needed a period of recovery, especially those suffering from lung ailments, who couldn’t afford a stay in the renowned sanatoria in the Alps, came here during the summer months.

Most of the summer guests were Jews, and they found here a small, sympathetic Jewish community of approximately 200 families. The imposing Temple showed the willingness of the community members to make sacrifices; and the Hebrew school, one of the oldest in the province (director / teacher S. Schoener from Warsaw), proved that the Zionist idea had already taken root. The school-director believed that Hebrew should become the daily language of communication for the young generation; therefore he even translated the Austrian Hymn into Hebrew (before W.W.I). Rabbi Baruch Baseches ordered that, on the occasion of the Kaiser’s birthday, the hymn be chanted in the Synagogue in Hebrew. The Rabbi and the Teacher were lavishly rewarded with a letter of thanks from the Kaiser’s office in response to a report about the occasion.

Here are pictures provided by Christian – who visited the Jewish Cemetery in June 2015.
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