Czerecz- mass grave – 13 July 2016 – by Baruch Eylon

On 11-15 July 2016 a delegation of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews traveled to North Bukovina for a pilot project to survey Jewish Heritage Sites in the area around Storozhynetz. The team members were Sara Sweiry, Nathan Kinsbrunner and Baruch Eylon.

During this trip the team surveyed 12 heritage sites, met with local officials, filled the questionnaire (using a mobile application that allows capturing text and pictures, including GPS coordinates) and posted the information on the web, to make it available to all interested people around the world.

The team also prepared recommendations what to do in each site.
The filled survey about this site can be seen at

This post provides pictures taken by the team in Czerecz: A mass grave supposedly exists in the forest behind the lake, across from the village church. We didn’t find it.

The pictures of the village and area (Close to the village church, in the forest across the lake) where it may be is shown below.
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Ban-5   Cz-4 Cz-1    Cz-3



Banilov (Banyliv-Pidhirnyi) Jewish Cemetery – 13 July 2016 – by Baruch Eylon

On 11-15 July 2016 a delegation of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews traveled to North Bukovina for a pilot project to survey Jewish Heritage Sites in the area around Storozhynetz.
The team members were Sara Sweiry, Nathan Kinsbrunner and Baruch Eylon.

During this trip the team surveyed 12 heritage sites, met with local officials, filled the questionnaire (using a mobile application that allows capturing text and pictures, including GPS coordinates) and posted the information on the web, to make it available to all interested people around the world.

The team also prepared recommendations what to do in each site.
The filled survey about this site can be seen at

This post provides pictures taken by the team in the Banilov/Banila pe Siret Jewish Cemetery. To get to the cemetery you need to take the road near the municipality building towards the church, going to the forest.
I was there 3 years ago and it was impossible to get into the cemetery – it was so overgrown. This time the vegetation was cut and we could easily get around! What a nice surprise.

We were very well received by people of the municipality!

Moreover – bot Sara Sweiry and myself found gravestones of our family members!

The pictures of the cemetery are shown below.
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The following picture is the gravestone of my mother’s family member.

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Ban-2     Ban-1

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The following picture is with ladies of the municipality.

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Sadegura Jewish Cemetery – 12 July 2016 – by Baruch Eylon

In 11-15 July 2016 a delegation of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews traveled to North Bukovina for a pilot project to survey Jewish Heritage Sites in the area around Storozhynetz and Czernowitz.
The team members were Sara Sweiry, Nathan Kinsbrunner and Baruch Eylon.

During this trip the team surveyed 12 heritage sites, met with local officials, filled the questionnaire (using a mobile application that allows capturing text and pictures, including GPS coordinates) and posted the information on the web, to make it available to all interested people around the world.

The team also prepared recommendations what to do in each site.
The Jewish Cemetery in Sadegura is located in Sadegura, not far from the Rabbi’s synagogue. Although it was cleaned not long ago it is overgrown again and there is a plan to clean it again. The gate was locked but entrance was anyhow impossible because of the vegetation.

This post provides pictures taken by the team in the Sadegura Cemetery.
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Sadegura Jewish Synagogue / Rabbi’s house – 12 July 2016 – by Baruch Eylon

In 11-15 July 2016 a delegation of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews traveled to North Bukovina for a pilot project to survey Jewish Heritage Sites in the area around Storozhynetz and Czernowitz.
The team members were Sara Sweiry, Nathan Kinsbrunner and Baruch Eylon.

During this trip the team surveyed 12 heritage sites, met with local officials, filled the questionnaire (using a mobile application that allows capturing text and pictures, including GPS coordinates) and posted the information on the web, to make it available to all interested people around the world.

The team also prepared recommendations what to do in each site.
The Jewish synagogue in Sadegura (Rabbi’s house) is located in Sadegura and at this time it is being overhauled and entrance is not allowed. Completion is planned soon.

This post provides pictures taken by the team in the Sadegura Synagogue.
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Storozhynetz Jewish Synagogue – 12 July 2016 – by Baruch Eylon

In 11-15 July 2016 a delegation of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews traveled to North Bukovina for a pilot project to survey Jewish Heritage Sites in the area around Storozhynetz.
The team members were Sara Sweiry, Nathan Kinsbrunner and Baruch Eylon.

During this trip the team surveyed 12 heritage sites, met with local officials, filled the questionnaire (using a mobile application that allows capturing text and pictures, including GPS coordinates) and posted the information on the web, to make it available to all interested people around the world.

The team also prepared recommendations what to do in each site.
The Jewish synagogue is located in an ally not far from the village center and serves now as a (flee?) market and was not fully surveyed.

This post provides pictures taken by the team in the Storozhynetz Jewish Synagogue.
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Storozhynetz Jewish Cemetery – 11 July 2016 – by Baruch Eylon

In 11-15 July 2016 a delegation of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews traveled to North Bukovina for a pilot project to survey Jewish Heritage Sites in the area around Storozhynetz.
The team members were Sara Sweiry, Nathan Kinsbrunner and Baruch Eylon.

During this trip the team surveyed 12 heritage sites, met with local officials, filled the questionnaire (using a mobile application that allows capturing text and pictures, including GPS coordinates) and posted the information on the web, to make it available to all interested people around the world.

The team also prepared recommendations what to do in each site.
The filled survey about this site can be seen at

This post provides pictures taken by the team in the Storozhynetz Jewish Cemetery. The entrance to the cemetery is located near 113 Czernowitskaya street (the road coming from Czernowitz to the center of Storozhynetz).
The right side of the cemetery looks well taken care of whereas the buildings at the entrance and the tombs on the left side are overgrown and needs to be taken care of.

The pictures of the houses are where the entrance is.
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Storozhynetz Jewish Cemetery 7/2016  20160712_100751

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