Czernowitz Korn Shil (Synagogue) – by Arthur Rindner

July 2015

On a waking tour in Czernowitz, organized by Christian Herrmann, with the SVIT (Solidarity Volunteering Initiative Tolerance) in Czernowitz, visiting the Jewish remaining points of interest we saw the “Korn Shil” Synagogue.
GPS Location: N48.2919, E25.9423.

See pictures.
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Czernowitz Synagogue in L.Kobylystsi St., built in 1923 – by Arthur Rindner

July 2015

On a waking tour in Czernowitz, visiting the Jewish remaining points of interest we saw the Synagogue in L.Kobylystsi St.

The synagogue was retained relatively well. Its special value are the inner paintings.

Through out its history this synagogues was the only prayer place in Czernowitz witch remained functioning, during WWII. Rabbi Noach Kofmansky kept the place functioning also through the Soviet time.
See pictures.


Czernowitz Jewish Yakob Glaser School – by Arthur Rindner

July 2015

On a waking tour in Czernowitz, organized by Christian Herrmann, with the SVIT (Solidarity Volunteering Initiative Tolerance) in Czernowitz, visiting the Jewish remaining points of interest we saw the Yakob Glaser Jewish School, located at N49.847  E24.026. See the picture.
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Czernowitz Bukoviners Memorial Ceremony – by Isaac Herzig

On 7-15 July 2015 a group of almost 90 people from Israel went on a journey on the path of the Holocaust of Romanian Jews, in Bukovina and Transnistria valley of death.

Mr. Isaac (Itzik) Herzig took part in this journey, that journey was organized by the World Organization of Bukovina Jews and led by Mr. Yochanan Ron Singer and Mr. Dan Marian.

One of the places Mr. Herzig visited was Czernowitz in Bukovina. There the group held a memorial ceremony to the Jews that were murdered during WW2.
See pictures from the ceremony.
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Czernowitz Jewish Museum – by Isaac Herzig

On 7-15 July 2015 a group of almost 90 people from Israel went on a journey on the path of the Holocaust of Romanian Jews, in Bukovina and Transnistria valley of death.

Mr. Isaac (Itzik) Herzig took part in this journey, that journey was organized by the World Organization of Bukovina Jews and led by Mr. Yochanan Ron Singer and Mr. Dan Marian.

One of the places Mr. Herzig visited was Czernowitz in Bukovina. There he visited the Jewish Jewish Museum.
See pictures from the Museum.
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Czernowitz Habad Synagogue – by Isaac Herzig

On 7-15 July 2015 a group of almost 90 people from Israel went on a journey on the path of the Holocaust of Romanian Jews, in Bukovina and Transnistria valley of death.

Mr. Isaac (Itzik) Herzig took part in this journey, that journey was organized by the World Organization of Bukovina Jews and led by Mr. Yochanan Ron Singer and Mr. Dan Marian.

One of the places Mr. Herzig visited was Czernowitz in Bukovina. There he visited the Jewish Habad synagogue.
See pictures from the synagogue.
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Czernowitz Memorial Site for 400 Murdered Jews – by Isaac Herzig

On 7-15 July 2015 a group of almost 90 people from Israel went on a journey on the path of the Holocaust of Romanian Jews, in Bukovina and Transnistria valley of death.

Mr. Isaac (Itzik) Herzig took part in this journey, that journey was organized by the World Organization of Bukovina Jews and led by Mr. Yochanan Ron Singer and Mr. Dan Marian.

One of the places the group and Mr. Herzig visited was the memorial at the murder site near Czernowitz, where 400 Jews were murdered. See a pictures from the site and memorial ceremony.
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Czernowitz Synagogue – by Christian Herrmann

This work is published under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Many thanks to Christian Herrmann who is researching, traveling, photographing and providing very valuable information about many Jewish Heritage Sites in Bukovina, Transnistria and Bessarabia.

Czernowitz is a regional capital and is inseparably tied to the history of the region. One who has experienced the city with his heart, who hailed the growth of the city and mourned its fall will endorse this attempt.
Czernowitz is located in the Chernivtsi County, Ukraine. It was the capital of Bukovina. This city was known as a “Little Vienna”.

Here are pictures provided by Christian – who visited the Synagogue in June 2015.

Czernowitz Old Cemetery – by Christian Herrmann

This work is published under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Many thanks to Christian Herrmann who is researching, traveling, photographing and providing very valuable information about many Jewish Heritage Sites in Bukovina, Transnistria and Bessarabia.

Czernowitz is a regional capital and is inseparably tied to the history of the region. One who has experienced the city with his heart, who hailed the growth of the city and mourned its fall will endorse this attempt.
Czernowitz is located in the Chernivtsi County, Ukraine. It was the capital of Bukovina. This city was known as a “Little Vienna”.

Here are pictures provided by Christian – who visited the Jewish Cemetery in June 2015.
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Czernowitz New Cemetery – by Christian Herrmann

This work is published under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Many thanks to Christian Herrmann who is researching, traveling, photographing and providing very valuable information about many Jewish Heritage Sites in Bukovina, Transnistria and Bessarabia.

Czernowitz is a regional capital and is inseparably tied to the history of the region. One who has experienced the city with his heart, who hailed the growth of the city and mourned its fall will endorse this attempt.
Czernowitz is located in the Chernivtsi County, Ukraine. It was the capital of Bukovina. This city was known as a “Little Vienna”.

Here are pictures provided by Christian – who visited the Jewish Cemetery in June 2015.
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